I bet you will cry at the end of the story ...!

Friday, August 241comments

Assalamualiakum Muslims .. =)

I came across this story on the internet and thought to share it with you. It is narrated by Bilal Asad.

There existed two people which the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) told us about in the time of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. And they used to challenge each other in everything they did. They loved each other for the sake of Allah and they tried to pray and beat each other in prayers so they prayed night prayers and fast more days. When one brother heard about his brother that he would fast two days, his brother would fast three days. When he heard that his brother was fasting every Mondays and Thursdays, then the other brother would fast day on day off. When he donated from his wealth this much, the other brother would beat him in donate that much.

One day they went out, just for the sake of fighting a battle against the people who were attacking the Muslims, attacking the oppressed ones, driving people out of their homes so they thought this is a great chance to reach the highest places in paradise because Allah loves those who defend the weak. So they set out.

And they began to fight the battle until they lost each other. Then one of them was a captive. Then those oppressors, enemies that caught this captive began to torture him and torture him. Every time they tortured him he began to laugh And the Mushrikeen said " Why are you laughing?" Torturing, "You are a captive".

He said "I am laughing because, Alhamdulilah, I am going to die a Shaheed and beat my brother to Jannah. Thats it. I beat him" And The mushrikeen said "What the__? What is wrong with you? What is wrong with you Muslims? The same person like you we caught before said the same thing before he died" And then he started to cry but he still died as a Shaheed. And Allah said they met each other in paradise.

Those who desire paradise work for it, Strive for it.

Brothers and sisters in Islam, The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam described a Momin in this life

It is the prison of a Momin, A believer and it is the Paradise of a Kaafir(one who rejects Allah)

Yes it is a paradise because they believe that this is the only life they are going to live. "Its only one life, Its a short life so we might as well make the best of it, get as much as we can from it" they say.

A Momin doesn't think that way.He sees that everything in this world always cause him an urge to doing Haram things, It makes it difficult for us to worship Allah correctly and freely. It makes it difficult, especially in our time today. Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said

There will come a time when the one who is holding on to his religion is like holding on to a pot of fire.

Its intense, its difficult brothers and sisters but it is not difficult for the one who anticipates great reward in the hereafter, love Allah Abadan(forever). Imagine you are a prisoner or imagine you are a outcast and you are stuck on an island or you are in a strange land. You have no family, you have no food, you have no water and you are just anticipating to getting back to your family, back to your home. Imagine the type of feeling that person would be feeling when he is in a strange land , imprisoned, en-caged, he will do anything, struggle in any way, just to get back to his family, get back to his home, get back to security, Wouldn't he? Sometimes even if it meant his life. If he is drowning and he is stuck in the water, he would struggle and strive in everyway, even if it meant that he has to use the last piece of energy he has in order to reach land.

The world is a PRISON for a Momin. A momin , One who desires Allah, Allah's Paradise . Thats a MOMIN.

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26 August 2012 at 09:35

Wonderful story .. =)

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